I Have Serious Concerns About My Cat, Nika

It has recently occurred to me that I should have serious concerns about my cat Nika. 

Being our second cat, she is a complete spazzwit, hardly ever venturing outside without us, except perhaps to take a poo in the neighbours kiwifruit orchard. 


This, however, is a rare occurrence given her preference for using our bathroom. 

Why does she do this? I don't know why. OH GOD I wish I knew why!
When she does actually use her tray, she seems to have the wrong idea, doing anything other than covering it like a cat should. Trying to cover her business with thin air is seemingly logical to Nika.

Then there is the issue of her food. You see, I get the idea that Nika would quite like to get fat. Food is literally all she seems to think about, constantly following us to the kitchen and staring at her empty bowl in an implied, passive aggressive manner, just in case the message isn't already clear: her bowl is EMPTY.

Aww... are you trying to tell us something Nika?  

You have to hand it to her... she hustles hard.

We actually feed both our cats a A VERY EXPENSIVE raw food diet (to Nikas dismay) as all she seems to want are kibbles - the cheaper the better, none of this healthy stuff.

After HOURS of her pestering us, we usually cave, and in exchange for the kibbles, a 'high five' is in order.  Or, in this case a 'low five', as it is usually all she can muster... a very reluctant low five.

(It literally took me months to teach her this and is an exhausting story for another time.)
Why do we hold out on her, you ask? Well, first of all, she isn't starving. She is twice the size of our other cat as the below photo demonstrates. 
(Can you believe Libby is alpha from this photo? It's true, she's tiny but fierce.)
Secondly, we don't like to go out of our way to enable kibble addicts. Because, let's face it, Nika is large enough without additional kibble gains.
I also worry about Nika's ability to catch her own food if something were to happen to us... 
 ...Need I say more?

Our first cat, Libby, is far more capable. Nika is well aware of this and is intensely jealous of her.


Come to think of it, Nika doesn't take it well when anyone else or anyTHING else gets attention other than her, plonking her fluffy butt on any device we're currently using so that we'll stop using it and give her attention instead.

OOPS! Where is your PHONE human mum? I bet you'll never find it. WHATEVER WILL YOU DO NOW?


Working from home? Not a chance!

How am I writing this?? I've locked myself in my room so her fat ass can't seat itself on my keyboard. 

Getting any work done with Nika around is challenging. 

I can hear her outside the door now. Best let her in before she breaks the door down.

Oh... she wants snuggles.

I'll oblige.

Tehe, I do love Nika.

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