Molly Dreams Of Chocolate

This is Molly. Molly is a profusely headstrong, yet slightly nervous fox terrier mix who belongs to my mother and father-in-law.


My husband and I had the pleasure of looking after Molly while my mother-in-law was recovering from an operation. We were excited to have her for a while. However, I was about to find out that looking after Molly wouldn't be as easy as I thought.


Put bluntly, Molly is a food thief. Her entire being is focused solely on seeking out and gorging on food until near death.


Luckily, Molly is extremely hardy and her food crimes pose little threat to her well-being. To her, eating dangerous foods and vomiting afterwards is all part of the experience, and comes with little regret.

Chocolate, however, was one of those forbidden foods that would elude her. Always, to her dismay, placed just out of reach. Molly could smell chocolate whenever it was brought into the house and soon enough she was truly enchanted by its aroma and incantations. All Molly could do was dream of eating chocolate.

On this particular day however, her chances of succeeding were increased as I just happened to be looking after her.

I knew that Molly was watching me as I snacked on a block of coffee flavoured chocolate while I worked. In hindsight, I can see that it was wrong of me to torment her like this, her lust and anticipation increasing with every bite I took. 

Finally, I decided to stop for a break. As I left to go downstairs, I placed the chocolate on my desk, assuming it was too high for Molly to reach.

This was a grave mistake and a severe underestimate of Mollys food pilfering abilities.


Molly liked the mix of chocolate and coffee. Not only was it tasty, it was making her feel energised, which was quite fitting, as it was now time for a walk.

As I fetched her lead, her caffeine fueled energy was escalating, and eventually the anticipation of the walk became too intense.



Molly decided there was no time for all this fuckery.. She had to run.

As I started to run after her, it became clear that her speed was indefinitely going to increase.






However, with great speed, also comes the possibility of losing control.


..and unfortunately there was nothing I could do as Molly fell into a chocolate and caffeine induced hallucination.


All in all, Molly was happy with her decision and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

What did Molly learn from this? Seemingly nothing. She still likes doing this. Food all the time = living her best life.

What did I learn from this? It's always a good idea to remain vigilant around Molly as she can outsmart my dumb ass. Also, its always a good idea to return your parents-in-laws dog unharmed perhaps. 

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